wife is pregnant.
the little tank is ready to ride some motorbikes.
heres the new bike. hopefully i can keep her for a while. im pretty sure grissom is putting rocks down the yosh.
grissom is shown here sporting martian pjs and a classic arai helmet to aunt amy. also known as my other mother.
once you start, you will never get a break.
eeo and cheese got grissom a pool for his birthday. its a fancy pool. i wanted to dig a hole, put the pool over it, and have the wife stick her baby belly in it. i would imagine it would be pretty dog gone comfy.
the little man is friends with everyone.
wife is about a month away from baby number two.
alright. time for actual house stuff. where that bald spot is in the grass, there used to be a bush. i removed it with my bulging muscles.
as you can see here, my grass is planted and has been growing for quite some time now. i love my lawn.
heres the bigger side of the planted side.
work van. i call her cecelia.
once again, photobombin away. and the other side of the newly planted grass. i am so proud.
oh so very manly. me and my grass.
as she stands today.
grissom falls all the time. literally all the time. but he never cries about it. cause he a manly toddler.
hes trying to figure out how to take the pole out. i took off the satellite dish, now i cant take out that crazy pole. i think it has some sort structural integrity to the house. i would have to dig up my precious grass to yank her out.
so upset that it wont budge.
my parents got him this awesome wagon. when he would help me mow, he would fall asleep in less that 10 minutes. and when hes asleep, hes crazy heavy. so i hooked this bad boy to the back of the ol john deere and he loves it. but do not get to close to tree roots, it will tip. then grissom will tell on you that you dumped him out.
there used to be a nasty bush here. i cut it down man style with a chainsaw. it was as tall as the gutter. so i cut it down, and NOW the wife tells me she liked it. no good.
this is what started my chainsaw greatness. there was two massive bushes here in the middle of nowhere. so i cut them down with great pride. now the existing backyard goes into the new side yard with great ease.
this used to look quite ugly. now i just looks ugly. soon itll get all knocked off and a new mud room, bathroom, and basement will be put up. possibly a second story. roof angles might put me into a pickle.
old backyard going into new side yard. i feel like an old man and his lawn, but its awesome.
heres our first take on a garden. probably never weeded once. we have zucchini, squash, tomatoes, cilantro, and tons and tons of pickles.
mango the great. she keeps the deer, racoons, rabbits, and stray dogs away. she fights crime in her own dog way.
bought this dethatcher for 10 smackaroos. all i need is a lawn sweeper to attach to the back. maybe wife will get me one for my birthday. hint hint. or something for the motorcycle. barend mirrors, shorty levers, or some renthal bars. there i go off on a tangent again.
grissom found some pickles.
he loves pickles. when we leave the house, he always says bye to his collection of pickles that he stashes in his big wagon.
he decided to bring his crazy small wagon and only pick one pickle today.
my burn pile is getting smaller. sooooooo slow.
so grissom is now 2 years and 2 months. we got him this awesome bike so he will learn how to balance without training wheels. its a smartgear wooden balance bike. http://www.smartgeartoys.com/c/balance-bikes
when he first got it, he couldnt touch the ground. and never rode it. then about two weeks ago, bam, hes mobile. we also got him that awesome Giro Rascal helmet.
the bike has three or four seat heights to it for when he grows. ive read a bunch of reviews on it and some say not to leave it outside cause the clear coat isnt that thick. i was thinking about tearing it apart and throwing some minwax uv clear coat so itll last longer.
since its wooden, if the handlebars or something ever break, i can make a new set off the jig saw.
it has solid wheels instead of spokes so the little dude wont get his fingers caught in them. other than that, we love the bike.
and the Giro helmet.
the Giro has two LED reflectors on the back. they are pretty bright when you turn them on.